Jeesh, that is some funny stuff.
And why is Liddy Dole in the picture? She not even a proper North Carolinian, let alone Charlottean. Oh, that’s right. The feds kicked in $192 million of the $463 million — once more, is it still $463 million? — which means you are sure to draw even more pols for the photo op.
Wonderful. Guess that means she — or whomever wins next year — won’t be at the North line ribbon cutting. No fed money, no senator. Deal?
Update: Why didn’t Charlotte residents see this photo, printed in today’s N&O along with the same Uptown paper of record story on black voters turning out to save the transit tax?
Why is the Mayor breaking all the rules about the South Blvd. train, just a couple weeks after a train hit and killed a man on the tracks? BTW, what happened with that incident, which was widely whispered to be a suicide? Was the victim ever IDed? Did I miss that?
It is amazing what goes down the memory hole in this town. Another example: That sex assault investigation involving the Uptown party bus — zip, nada. Gone.
Oh — and just for the heck of it — is the $463 million train/Disney World attraction still a $463 million attraction — or does that matter anymore?
Update II: “If we don’t have other alternatives besides South Boulevard and I-77, we are not going to have a good quality of life along this corridor. So, the tyranny of the present continues to be what we must fight against.” — Mayor Pat, statesman and visionary.