I just heard on Fox News that Kim Roberts, the notorious “second dancer” in the Duke lacrosse rape allegations, has said that the accuser asked her to “put marks on me” on the night of the party. I can’t find any wire story on that, but, if true, how much longer can Nifong hang on to this case?

UPDATE: Here’s the ABC News story on it. Roberts said she was trying to get the other dancer out of her car by pushing on her:

“I … push on her leg. I kind of push on her arm,” Roberts said. “And clear as a bell, it’s the only thing I heard clear as a bell out of her was, she said — she pretty much had her head down, but she said plain as day — ‘Go ahead, put marks on me. That’s what I want. Go ahead.'”

Roberts said the comments “chilled me to the bone, and I decided right then and there to go to the authorities.”