Re: Chad‘s point no. 4 on sports “rewarding achievement” ? there is another good lesson from watching sports. Talent is rewarded, provided it’s properly used (coaching). In a tournament, either you win or you’re sent home, and only the most successful team earns the accolades. It’s entirely intuitive ? the only way it would make sense would be for it to be this way. It’s intuitive because it’s natural ? which is to say, it reflects how people succeed in other endeavors.

Therefore, you couldn’t devise a more offensive system to the nostalgic academic Marxists if you tried, and if you think I’m exaggerating, then just look at how an academic Marxist would force basketball to reflect his worldview. What he proposes is entirely unnatural ? a complete inversion of nature. And it offers a microcosm of the horrors unleashed by Marxists on societies they’ve governed. Sic basketballo, sic mundo.