Stan Olson must be working too hard. In the course of explaining a blog list of the top athletes in county history Olson told commenters to can talk of Antwan Jamison, the former Providence High hoops star and current NBAer:

Some of you kind of miss the point; this list is to start a discussion, and we knew you would never be able to limit the pickings to 5. That said, Jamison, who we keep seeing mentioned, was NOT from Mecklenburg County. Another list will eventually have the top Charlotte-area athletes..

This prompted hysterical retorts noting that, in point of fact, Providence seems to get funded by CMS and that Jamison had attended Quail Hollow JH before Providence. Olson then back-tracked less than an hour after his initial comment:

Actually, My Bad–Jamison qualifies. And to be honest, he simply slipped my mind while putting this list together.

Then why basically call everyone crazy for bringing him up an hour before? You put the list together, forget about Jamison completely, then upon seeing Jamison mentioned repeatedly you don’t go, “Oh, yeah, that guy” but instead leap to “Jamison was not from Mecklenburg County.” This suggests that Olson did not so much forget about Jamison as forget that he played at Providence. Or confused him with someone else.