John Locke Foundation analysts added their expertise to discussions this week involving global warming alarmism and the best means for meeting the state’s energy needs. Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar Roy Cordato joined Climate Strategies Watch Director Paul Chesser in addressing Americans for Prosperity’s rally Wednesday at the Legislative Building against global warming alarmism. (Chesser also published an op ed in The Wichita Eagle this week raising concerns about the process Kansas state government is using to pursue climate change policies, a process similar to the one employed in North Carolina.) JLF Legal and Regulatory Policy Analyst Daren Bakst served as a panelist Wednesday in the John W. Pope Civitas Institute’s breakfast panel on energy issues, which focused on the issue of offshore drilling for oil and natural gas. That discussion followed Bakst’s publication Sunday of a Greensboro News & Record opinion piece on the value of offshore drilling. Charlotte’s Creative Loafing also highlighted this week an opinion piece Bakst co-wrote criticizing Duke Energy’s Save-A-Watt program.