Al Gore had this to say to his newest employee at Current TV, Keith Olbermann:

“We need to have an American spring — you know, the Arab spring,” Gore said. “The nonviolent part of it isn’t finished yet, but we need to have an American spring, a kind of an American nonviolent change where people on the grass roots get involved again. … I want to tell you, Keith, this country is in trouble. Our democracy has been withering on the vine. It really has been. This has been going on for some time. But this is not an event that can be taken lightly. I know it’s difficult to imagine that people who care about the values that this country was based on will rise up and get much more involved in the democratic process. But that is exactly what we need, and that is the only thing that can get our country back on the right track.”

Where to start. Rather than “withering on the vine,” the democracy in this country has been rejuvenated by the Tea Party phenomenon. Despite leftist conspiracy theories about the Koch brothers and Astroturf, the Tea Party movement is a truly genuine grassroots movement by exactly the people “who care about the values this country was based on.”

Always behind the curve, Gore doesn’t understand that the country already has begun to “rise up and get much more involved in the democratic process.” What does Al think 2010 was all about? Where has this guy been for the last two-and-a-half years?