There’s another fine piece in Germany’s lefty Der Spiegel about global warming. This bit seems as if it were written to describe North Carolina’s legislature and many of its local government officials:

The apocalyptic mood seems to grow each time the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases a new section of its climate change report. Climate hysteria appears to be more contagious than a flu epidemic. “We only have 13 years left to save the earth,” screamed a recent front-page headline in the German tabloid Bild. “If mankind is unable to stop the greenhouse effect by the year 2020, it will bring about its own demise — and a horribly tortured one at that.”

Most of the members of the state’s Climate Action Plan Advisory Group (CAPAG) not only buy the apocalyptic line, but they hired a group that guarantees findings of the Chicken Little variety.