The Herald-Sun reports this morning on the hate-filled protesters who forced former Colorado congressman off the stage last night at UNC Chapel Hill. (see my first blog on this) Among the protester comments is this (emphasis is mine):

The protesters — many of whom were with Students for a Democratic Society, which announced beforehand its intent to disrupt Tancredo’s speech — defended their tactics.

“I think that it’s a very direct and pointed way to get your point across,” said Collin Warren-Hicks, a sophomore English major from Mebane, as a nearby protester shouted into a bullhorn, “Death to Western civilization,” and a chant went up “Yes, racists, we will fight, we know where you sleep at night.”

“I don’t really know of another way to handle it,” Warren-Hicks said, accusing police of being the party guilty of outrageous behavior.

“They pepper sprayed my girlfriend, and it got in her eyes, and she was having trouble breathing. Then they chased the students out with a Taser,” Warren-Hicks said.

So the problem is the police? Gotcha.

By the way, will UNC’s Thought Police condemn the actions and hate-filled comments of these students?