The debate over locally taxpayer-funded elective abortion is spreading across the state after Wake County commissioners let stand the county manager?s decision to ban the coverage in their employee health insurance plans.
On Monday, Columbus County Commissioner Ronald Gore called for the coverage to be nixed, although it?s uncertain whether there is enough support for it. A report in the Durham Herald-Sun suggests that Durham and Chapel Hill won?t be changing their policies anytime soon.
Meanwhile, town council member Bill Jensen made a motion Tuesday to have the state attorney general weigh in on whether the town?s decision to restrict the coverage is legal. The motion failed for lack of a second.
At a contentious meeting Monday, Wake County commissioners were deadlocked on whether to end the coverage, meaning a determination by the county manager to eliminate it will stand. During the meeting, Commissioner Stan Norwalk gave out the phone number for House Minority Leader Paul Stam, who has championed efforts to reverse the coverage.
?If you want to talk about who is trying to get his values accepted by the entire community, that?s the number you should call and complain to,? Norwalk said.
Stam?s office said that as of today, they haven?t received a single complaint call.