More and more Americans are mobilizing to fight the massive growth in government and astronomical spending and borrowing that seriously threatens this country’s ability to recover and prosper. Those pundits and politicians who continue to believe that fiscal conservatism and a belief in limited, constitutional government is a fringe movement are wearing blinders. From Rasmussen:(emphasis is mine)

Twenty-four percent (24%) of U.S. voters now say they consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. That’s an eight-point increase from 16% a month ago.

Another 10% say they are not a part of the movement but have close friends or family members who are.

You can add your voice to the fight for sound fiscal policy and limited government at this Thursday’s Tax Day Tea Party in Raleigh. JLF’s Michael Sanera will be among the speakers in downtown Raleigh at 5 p.m.