How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

  1. Thou taxest me.
  2. Thou payest disability to people who aren’t disabled.
  3. Thou payest for ad campaigns to sell food stamps to those who don’t need it.
  4. Thou hast thine own community organizing effort that tells people what to tell their Congresscritters so they can grow government.
  5. Thou tellest me Social Security and Medicare aren’t broke, and that I ought not worry about the federal deficit.
  6. Thou encouragest the building of passenger rail where economists say it is not sensible.
  7. Thou requirest master plans for everything.
  8. Thou callest me a domestic terrorist.
  9. Thou raisest my insurance rates.
  10. Thou wagest a war on poverty that increases poverty.
  11. Thou wagest a war on drugs that increases illegal drug sales.
  12. Thou choosest which banks can fail and which should succeed.
  13. Thou givest thyself thine own automobile company.
  14. Thou art attempting to give thyself the healthcare industry.
  15. Thou wantest me to power my home Gilligan’s Island style.
  16. Thou hast money from working taxpayers who don’t have time to give to unemployed people who do to go to college.
  17. Thou encouragest unsound lending practices.
  18. Thou ignorest basic economics and tellest me to do the same.
  19. Thou thinkest naked body scanners constitute not unreasonable searches.
  20. Thou ignorest the Bill of Rights except thou hast not yet asked me to quarter troops.
  21. Thou createst tiny free speech zones.
  22. Thou wantest to own the healthcare industry so bad, thou wilt bribe and break every rule of Congress if necessary.
  23. Thou passest legislation so verbose, lawyers and insurance agents are still trying to figure out what it says.
  24. Thou likest GE campaign contributions enough to make us all buy curly-fry lightbulbs.
  25. Thou makest several banks accept thy bailout money to cover up thine handing out of tax revenues to the mismanaged businesses of thy favorite sons.
  26. Thou makest the good banks pay back the unwanted bailout money with interest.
  27. Thou makest no attempt to account for the interest and returned bailout funds.
  28. Thou forcest state and local govenrments to accept thy stimulus.
  29. Thou growest employment in the public sector at the expense of the public sector.
  30. Thou lovest paperwork and continually require more.
  31. Thou allowest judges to make un-Constitutional law.
  32. Thou allowest thy Congressmen to form agencies with unelected bureaucrats that pass and enforce their own laws and try them in their own courts.
  33. Thou createst czars.
  34. Thou requirest me to carry insurance.
  35. Thou acceptest Waxman’s marathon drafts when nobody can write all the words in their hearts.
  36. Thou pretendest the strange numbers of the CBO are realistic.
  37. Thou openest not thy books to the public as the Bush Administration did.
  38. Thou wouldst have us believe we are smart enough to outsmart the CIA, and that intelligence officers are stupid bunglers.
  39. Thou causest educators to focus more on paperwork and hoops than educating.
  40. Thou wantest more voters to join unions, and then thou wantest to subject them to card check.
  41. Thou pretendest goons do not exist and all your laws can be executed by infallible angels.
  42. Thou likest people to become dependent on thy programs.
  43. Thou pretendest economies can consist of paper and not products.
  44. Thou wantest prices to be what the buyer wants without regard to reasonable compensation to sellers.
  45. Thou pretendest granting special privileges to special interests has no economic impact.
  46. Thou regulatest domestic industry sufficient for it to go overseas to realize a profit.
  47. Thou preferrest broad-brush, remote control to trusting people to make their own decisions.
  48. Thou payest states to pay corporate welfare to businesses of their choice.
  49. Thou payest local governments to hire more public safety officers, thus expanding local government budgets.
  50. Thou givest local governments money to buy Homeland Security wizmo-gizmos to impress the masses in citizens’ police academies.
  51. Thou hast made us guilty until proven innocent.
  52. Thou promotest those bureaucrats who perpetuate the problems they’re supposed to solve.
  53. Thou createst an IRS in which two agents seldom give the same answer.
  54. Thou createst campaign election reform legislation with basic interpretations debated by lawyers.
  55. Thou thinkest “Interstate Commerce” and “General Welfare” mean “everything.”
  56. Thou sayest the document that limits thy powers is scrap and doest as thou pleasest.
  57. Thou ignorest the supply side in thy public presentations.
  58. Thou jumblest private-sector budgets by requiring historical surveys &c.
  59. Thou takest over private-sector jobs and then undercuttest the competition with thy taxing power.
  60. Thou tellest the public that printing money and transferring jobs to the public sector increases goods and services that raise their standard of living.

    Well, I’m just getting started, and I have to go change the laundry loads, now. The point is, FreedomWorks would like you to celebrate tax day by joining a ruckus near you.