Saw this today:

Iraq and the United States

A teach-in with:

Dr. Robert Jensen — Professor of Journalism at the Univ. of Texas; author of “Writing Dissent: Taking Radical Ideas from the Margins to the Mainstream”; co-coordinator of Austins NoWar Collective

Stan Goff –Veteran of US Army Special Forces; organizer of Bring Them Home Now campaign

Tara Purohit — Campaign to Stop the War Profiteers and Corporate Invasion of Iraq for the Institute for Southern Studies

Sponsors: Progressive Faculty Network, Campaign to the End the Cycle of Violence (CECV), UNC-SURGE (Students United for a Responsible Global Environment)


Let’s make a wild stab at answering the titular question: It’s “Occupation,” right? Ding ding ding! Boy, we make me SICK. Is it too late to restore those Iraqi children to their prisons yet? Have we passed the point of no return on that?