Global temperature is rising, but to what extent are humans to blame?
Some, like William H. Schlesinger, dean of the Nicholas School of
Environmental and Earth Sciences at Duke University and regional
director for the multi-million dollar eco-group Environmental Defense,
are of the opinion that carbon dioxide is the major culprit. His
alarmist rhetoric has earned him a place on the state’s Global Climate Change Commission.
Granting that the left-leaning commission recommends that the state move
to take action against carbon dioxide emissons, the state can do little to
change global temperatures–global temperature spikes
appear to be cyclical. Denying NC’s limited influence on global
climate change may only work for so long. Another tactic?
Make Jesus the new holy poster child for their agenda. Paul Chesser exposes the “Evangelical Climate Initiative” racket in the American Spectator.
Testing The Climate