Alan Mutter pops up to confirm what I’ve been saying all these months: Random display ads are dead, all ads must be opt-in and personalized if they are to have value.

Newspapers, bless their ink-stained little hearts, think if they can just move their print ads online, profit. And even TV and radio stations have been suckered into this crazy notion of making money off of the eyeballs that land on their Web sites. Why, they’ll “capture” that “traffic” and sell it to their broadcast advertisers. Lunacy.

Why in the world would I want some random spot on a Web page — be it TV, radio, or paper — when I can tie-in to keyword triggered, search specific ads elsewhere on the net? Put another way, I can either throw my product or service up in front someone that is looking for it or sit and wait — or aggressively nag with pop-ups — hoping that someone looking for me stumbles onto a story my spot happens to rotate beside and hope the end-user is not using Ad Block, No Script, Greasemonkey….

It is a joke.