This is from an interview with climate scientist/global warming alarmist Jerry Mahlman. He is being interviewed at an on-line site “Earth and Sky.”

Mahlman: Well, it turns out that every person in the world would have to…cut [their energy usage] by 75 percent.

That’s a horrific number if you think about everything that you do: whether it’s talking on the telephone, or diving our cars, or heating or cooling our homes. Think of everything that’s manufactured, energy used to extract metals, for example. So the answer is 75 percent, if the entire world were going to participate.

Salazar: So what does a 75 percent cut in personal emissions look like?

Mahlman: You would have to have a radical change in your lifestyle.

In other words, we’re not taking the problem seriously, and if we did, we would have a huge challenge making a dent into the problem. The system is hard-wired to produce more and more carbon dioxide, and to a degree other greenhouse gases, all of which are going into the atmosphere.

We need to be talking about what we’re going to do to arrest global warming – to keep it from happening, to keep it from warming – now. That’s the problem.

In fact, it’s worse than I talk about, because suppose that we’re able to produce the miracle – the absolute miracle – of reducing 75% in our emissions globally. Guess what? Over the next hundred years, the Earth would warm up another degree Fahrenheit, even though we produced that miraculous result.

The entire interview is here.