I predicted to my wife last week that Hillary would soon use the “you can’t hit a girl” ploy against her Republican rivals. I had no idea it would be used against rivals from her own party. After last night’s C-minus performance by Clinton her campaign operatives were out in force this morning accusing Edwards, Dodd, Obama, et al, of ganging up on her. Now she’s produced a campaign video to cement the notion that she’s just a widdle girl being picked on by the big bad boys on the playground.

That might have worked in 2000 against Rick Lazio, but when you’re running for president and, if victorious, might have to stand up to several tin horn dictators out there in the world, you need to be more Maggie Thatcher than Pat Schroeder.

UPDATE: Jed Babbin’s take: She’s no Noo Yawka.

MORE FALLOUT: Tolerant liberal Hillary supporter says Tim Russert “should be shot.”