He and Nifong discussed a discovery motion by the defense for all results. They discussed the privacy aspect of releasing the documents, cost, time it would take, etc. He sent a letter to Nifong about that discussion. Sometime after that he heard the court had approved the expense and he should go ahead and provide the documents.
Meehan: Reads from his Sept. 13 letter to Nifong explaining that he provided only results from lacrosse players in an effort to protect the privacy of others whose DNA was found.
The brain trust on LieStoppers seems to feel that this is inconsistent with what Meehan testified to in December, that he is making it sound as if leaving some of the results out of the report was his, Meehan’s, idea.
The audio is cutting out on the WRAL feed, and at the most inopportune times. Have switched to NBC17.
Brocker sees the inconsistency too:
Brocker: Was your testimony at the Dec. 15 hearing truthful? Meehan: Yes. Said they then felt they should send a supplemental report. “We went back and actually added those in there…and we got that report out as soon as we could.”