The more Jim Capo learns about PART, the less he likes:
Most people seem to think the waste of $$$ on PART is somehow lowering the carbon footprint caused by people getting to work in the Piedmont area, or they simply don’t care one way or the other — imagining that somehow this is other people’s money not their own.
…. A meme exists in PART that causes public service workers there to believe that without government expertise many people could not get themselves to work economically.
…..Like almost all government programs PART has expanded far beyond its original mission of providing public transportation services to citizens of the Greensboro, Winston-Salem and High Point areas.
….Like almost all government programs PART has expanded far beyond its original mission of providing public transportation services to citizens of the Greensboro, Winston-Salem and High Point areas.
I’m glad Capo’s on board, so to speak, but this is nothing that’s been any big secret. It’s just that mainstream media covers PART under the assumption that PART knows best.