I don’t think the state’s intervention in the Halifax County Schools will improve student performance. The Roanoke Daily Herald reports,

Activities already have already begun in Halifax but will intensify this summer and in the 2009-10 school year. Clear expectations and direction will be provided to local leadership, principals and teachers, according to the governor?s office.

Three weeks of professional development will be provided to all Halifax principals and central office personnel, and two weeks of professional development will be provided to teachers in the Halifax schools over the summer. This activity will kick off the 2009-10 school year and provide clear expectations and direction for educators in the district and schools.

These activities suggest that the school system employs competent administrators and teachers who simply need to get on the right track. But what if the administrators and teachers are not competent? In those cases, it’s hard to believe that professional development, “coaching,” and oversight will do much good.

Just in case you were wondering, the Halifax County Schools have the 26th highest per pupil expenditure in the state totaling $9,910 per student (around $1,400 per student higher than the state average). The student to teacher ratio is 15:1.