I saw my first Smart Car in Durham on Friday. It was traveling south on Gregson and it looked like this one:
With gasoline approaching $4 per gallon, and with the smart Car’s recent crash tests showing that your knees are not necessarily the crumple zone, I think that yellow one I saw on Gregson will have lots of company soon.
But beware, you greenies. The guys at Top Gear showed that, while it may do a crash test OK, it doesn’t corner worth a flip. Even the Prius does better, and it’s pretty bad.
When I was in Europe a few years ago I marveled at Smart Cars driving on the Autobahn at 90 mph. It struck me that if the driver lost control, this thing would roll like a ball all the way to the next Ausfahrt. This test shows my suspicions were correct. It wants to roll.