The foreign press is acting with more journalistic integrity than U.S. media outlets when it comes to Obama?s heavy date with Michelle in the Big Apple. Should we be surprised?
NewsBusters has the scoop. The major news media appear uninterested in the pricey trip, aside from how glamorous the first couple looked as they burned up taxpayer dollars amid a severe recession.
The ever-quotable Chris (?the thrill?) Matthews had nothing but praise for the trip, saying he was glad an artistically aware man was back in the White House.
Matthews also compared the Obama?s big night in the Big Apple with Bush?s trips to Crawford, Texas (no, Matthews did not appear drunk when making that comparison).
Imagine if Bush had taken such a jaunt during the height of the Iraq war controversy. It would have been page 1 news for weeks and been on continuous recycle on cable news — and not in a good way.