I don’t agree with Mark Cuban’s politics but you’ve got to love his story. He is a bright, unconventional guy who’s gone from sleeping on the floor of an apartment he shared with five other people, to having the entire world at his feet. This first-person piece published at forbes.com is a fascinating look at the power of the free enterprise system, coupled with hard work, in transforming lives. It’s particularly interesting to read what he did after being fired – a time when some give up or sink into bitterness. He got back up.

I started a company called Micro-Solutions. I was a PC consultant, and I sold software and did training and configured computers. I wrote my own programs. I immersed myself in the PC industry and studied Microsoft and Lotus and watched what the smartest people did to make things work. I remember one day I had to drive to Austin for some PC part, to a place called PCs Limited. The place was run by this kid who was younger than I was. We sat down and talked for a few hours. I was really impressed by him. I remember telling him, “Dude, I think we’re both going places.” That “dude” was Michael Dell.

Amazing. Can you imagine being in the room with Cuban and Dell?