This op-ed in the News and Observer takes on the state’s testing program, but it was the awful, ed school definition of education that makes me weep for the future (of teaching). Here goes:

What is the purpose of education? It’s been lost in the maze of EOG preparation. In my view, educators should work with children to help them reach their potential. Ideally, “school” should nurture and challenge children’s strengths and help them recognize and work to overcome their weaknesses. At the same time we must expand their knowledge base and world view. These goals are not easily quantified.

Ok, I give her credit for acknowledging that the purpose of education is to learn. (I guess that is what “expand their knowledge base” means.) But when you include things like potential, strengths, weaknesses, and world views in the definition of education, you begin to understand why our teachers cannot focus on the basics of teaching and learning.