Christopher Monckton writes for the American Thinker about a link between environmental extremism and current political turmoil.
By the time the global warming scare was launched into the public square by elaborately-publicized testimony in 1988 before Congress on the part of a many-times-arrested far-Left agitator at NASA, the KGB had seen the potential. The kamitet realized that, if the climate-change narrative could be captured, it would be possible to induce Western ministers and opinion-formers fearful of being unpersoned to fall as culpably silent as the opponents of Nazism in the years leading to Hitler’s takeover in 1933. What was more, Pacepa told us, the KGB, by now firmly in control of the environmental movement, had seen the potential not merely to impoverish and even bankrupt the Western economies but also to inflict upon their peoples so many pettifogging environmental restrictions in the name of Saving The Planet that the freedoms we have long taken for granted would, in effect, be no more.
The growth of the internet greatly facilitated the unpersoning of climate skeptics. For instance, Wikipedia, founded by a pornography merchant, was swiftly captured, whereupon the biographies of climate skeptics were tampered with A single fellow-traveler rewrote the biographies of more than 2000 skeptics, including mine, to recast us as knaves, rogues, idiots or all three. …
… The Kremlin’s capture of the environmental movement was latterly and actively assisted by China, the chosen home of the late UN climate fanatic Maurice Strong (who called himself a “lifelong Socialist”). So successful has been the Communists’ theft and repurposing of the environmental movement, their capture of the climate-change issue and their unpersoning of all who dare to question the Party Line on that subject that by 2004, four years after his coup, Putin himself had become concerned that perhaps global warming was a real problem after all.