Spencer Ackerman became famous (or infamous) on Monday when some of his Journolist emails were quoted on The Daily Caller. He will forever be known now as the guy who said he wanted to throw terrorism expert Michael Ledeen through a plate glass window, and urged his fellow liberal journalists to pick any conservative and call them racist. He said it didn’t matter who.
But we now learn that a few years ago he had some kind of connection with the Triangle. Well, Carrboro, anyway. In an online interview he was asked the following question. The question is in bold and his response follows:
When’s the last time you volunteered? Where? Three weeks ago I helped out with the Really Free Market anarchist swapmeet in Carrboro, North Carolina.
I didn’t know Carrboro had an anarchist swapmeet, but it doesn’t surprise. Nor does it surprise me that Ackerman felt the need to volunteer at the event.