OK, maybe not hate, but animosity, enmity, hostility, odium, resentment, bugbear? Bottom line is Guilford County Schools ain’t getting what they want when county commissioners pass their budget tonight:

Wednesday’s meeting also seemed to confirm communication problems between the commissioners and school board members.

One example: Commissioners chastised school board members and staff for not presenting what the commissioners wanted — a ranked list of projects that schools expect to tackle with county funds.

Instead, schools offered a list with about $20 million in needed projects in no particular order.

Commissioners said they had been asking for the information for months, but Wednesday’s meeting was only announced this week.

Another example: More than once, Commissioner Bruce Davis confused the name of school board member Kris Cooke with that of another school board member as tensions ran high in the meeting.

Note that Superintendent Mo Green had a parting shot. Obviously Green’s met with commissioners at various committee meetings, but I’d like to see how he handles himself at the podium during a regular commissioners’ meeting.