The nanny-staters — the elitists who believe they know better than you how to parent your kids — are running amock. Today I find this UNC news release about a new study that seeks to impose more regulatory requirements on childcare providers. Here are two of the recommendations. Note what I have put in bold:


Sufficient Sleep. The amount of sleep infants and children get has decreased over the past two decades. Regulatory agencies should require child care providers to promote healthy sleep durations in their facilities. Pediatricians, early childhood educators, and other professionals should be trained to counsel parents about age-appropriate sleep times and good sleep habits.

Healthy Eating. Health-care providers and organizations should step up efforts to encourage breastfeeding. All child care facilities and preschools should be required to follow meal patterns established by the federal Child and Adult Care Food Program, which promotes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, age-appropriate use of sugar, salt, fat and necessary nutrients, and provides guidance on appropriate portion sizes.


The elitists believe the federal government should regulate kids’ sleep and food intake. Truly scary.