It would be hard to read much about the current economic mess without encountering the name Keynes or the word ?Keynesian.? Who was this fellow Keynes? Why is he important today? Roy Cordato will help us answer those questions in the next edition of Carolina Journal Radio.

We?ll also hear some concerns about the federal Employee Free Choice Act, a poorly named piece of legislation (also known as the card-check bill) that would remove a worker?s right to cast a secret ballot for or against union representation. Republicans in the N.C. General Assembly will explain their opposition to this federal legislation, and we?ll hear the critique a businessman delivered during a recent Americans for Prosperity rally in Raleigh.

New York University economist William Easterly will explain why freedom works better than foreign aid in battling global poverty, and the N.C. History Project?s Troy Kickler will discuss the launch of a new endeavor titled the State of Our Constitution.