As North Carolina’s unemployment rate reaches levels we haven’t seen for a quarter century, government leaders are pushing policies that would make the economic situation worse. Joe Coletti explains in the next edition of Carolina Journal Radio.

Speaking of bad government policies, Daren Bakst will join us to discuss the Environmental Management Commission’s consideration of the state’s first regulation of carbon dioxide emissions.

We’ll also hear competing ideas about the state’s budget priorities from Gov. Beverly Perdue ? as outlined in her recent State of the State address ? and Senate Republican Leader Phil Berger, R-Rockingham.

And we’ll hear from two Britons. Winston S. Churchill, grandson of the famous prime minister, does not oppose government involvement in addressing the nation’s economic crisis, though he did sound an alarm in a recent John Locke Foundation speech about moving too far toward socialism. Meanwhile, Duke professor John Staddon says the government has no good reason to get in the business of regulating smoking.