Thousands of high school seniors across North Carolina will turn their attention soon to college decisions. As they do, they?ll want to avoid pitfalls that could set them up for major problems later in life. That?s the message Jenna Ashley Robinson delivers in a new Pope Center report and in the latest edition of Carolina Journal Radio.
Now that a new state law has taken effect banning plastic bottles from North Carolina landfills, Roy Cordato will join us to discuss the pros and cons of recycling.
Plus we?ll add more fuel to the health-care debate. You?ll hear N.C. Medical Society CEO Bob Seligson and Joe Coletti offer different perspectives on health-care reform from a recent panel discussion. And Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity will raise questions about President Obama?s health-care claims.
We?ve all heard that the pen is mightier than the sword. American Spectator publisher and former Regnery Publishing head Alfred Regnery offered some evidence to support that old saying during his recent Civitas Conservative Leadership Conference speech. Regnery highlighted books that shaped both the conservative movement and world history. You?ll hear highlights from that presentation and a one-on-one discussion about the future of the conservative movement.