As we have seen with the tea party movement, millions of Americans are concerned with getting back to core principles (limited government, free markets, etc).  They don’t care about political parties.

When you see the Republicans caving on the financial sector reform bill, they basically are admitting they don’t get it–they don’t get what the people want.

I love this part of the article I cited:

Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, said on Tuesday he would vote to let the bill advance to the Senate floor if bipartisan talks were no longer progressing.

“I have an idea of how much time it takes to cut a deal,” he said. “If that’s not possible, then we go on.”

Doesn’t he have that backwards?  Don’t you keep blocking it until you have made progress?

The Republicans apparently think they’ll be able to amend the bill on the Senate floor.  Good luck with that.