Taking this announcement at face value is pretty amusing. A Charlotte high school is too scary for a couple groups:
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) and NC Listen are withdrawing their support for the scheduled Jan. 30th meeting in Charlotte, NC. … we now have safety concerns with the event location, as chosen by NC Reform Action Network, the main sponsor of the event. This was due to feedback from associates and the subsequent check of crime statistics for the area. As a result we are advising NC LISTEN associates not to attend. ALIPAC, another co-sponsor of the event is also canceling their co-sponsorship for the same reasons.
The location in question is the Berry Academy of Technology, a stone’s throw from Freedom Mall and down the street from Harding High. No, not the corner of Queens and Queens, but not exactly a free-fire zone either. Thousands of people come and go everyday without incident.
I guess moving the event a couple blocks away to the Milestone Club is right out of the question.