The News & Observer, in an attempt to determine what fueled the electorate’s motives behind voting for President Bush in greater numbers than for John Kerry, interviewed a lesbian Duke professor for today’s edition, who helped them arrive at the “objective” headline that “Deeper anxiety may fuel same-sex marriage bans.”

They apparently interviewed Felicia Kornbluh because of her “expertise” as a “history professor who studies legal, political and gender history in the United States.” Here’s part of her expert opinion:

The exit polls were so interesting. … People said they voted on the basis of moral values. It’s hard to know what that word means, and given the amount of attention to this, gay marriage could well have been in the front of people’s minds when they said they voted on the basis of moral values.

It could very well have tipped the election. I don’t know when a gender issue has been arguably this important. I think that’s really amazing.

I didn’t know moral values and gay marriage were a gender issue. Don’t both genders engage in both issues?

It’s just like the N&O to seek out a leftist homosexual to psychoanalyze voters for the winning conservative candidate, rather than someone who speaks about morals all the time, like a clergyman. But I’m sure they hope someday Bush voters can progress and overcome their “deeper anxiety” over same-sex marriage.

As for me, I try to live by the words in Philippians 4:6-7.