Funny, I could have predicted what was in Winston-Salem’s proposed Southside plan before I dug into this Journal editorial:

Here are a few of the recommendations drafted by the planning staff with the assistance of a citizen’s advisory committee: The highest density and mix of development should be concentrated at existing and proposed Activity Centers and along the Peters Creek Urban Boulevard. Goods and services should be available near where people live and work.

The mix, type, density and design of development should facilitate walking, bicycling and the use of transit facilities. Residential areas should be protected from inappropriate residential, commercial, industrial and institutional encroachment. The plan discourages strip development and promotes “compact, mixed-use development along major roads and corridors.” And it suggests more multifamily residential development.

The Journal emphasizes the “plan does not by itself change or mandate anything” and “officials use the plans as guides when considering zoning changes.” Which means good luck if you go to the city with a rezoning that varies from the plan.

The Journal concludes “(w)hile property rights must be given due consideration, in the case of Peters Creek Parkway, the lessons of uncontrolled growth can be viewed in a five-minute drive from Business-40 south to Silas Creek Parkway. Working together, we can do better.”

Who is this proverbial “we” newspaper editorials keep talking about?