Today’s Clarion Call features an interview with University of North Carolina Board of Governors member Peter Hans. In the interview Hans discusses the ongoing UNC Tomorrow project, an 18-month study aimed at helping the UNC system determine what the state needs from the system and then attempt to meet those needs. The study was initiated by BOG Chairman Jim Phillips, who took over as chair last year.

In the interview, Hans said: 

We’ll need to be vigilant about keeping our
focus. We plan to identify major trends and challenges facing North
Carolina and its regions, including synthesizing and updating existing
reports and studies, analyze what the campuses are already doing, and
conduct internal reviews of existing resources.

As UNC Tomorrow works its way through public meetings and other functions a reasonable fear is that the meetings and commission, itself, will be dominated by those well-connected by the UNC system. The study needs a wide range of views and opinions in order for it to be considered valid. I believe this is something the BOG members realize. We’ll see, though, if it is put into practice.