UNC-Wilmington announces it has settled with Prof. Mike Adams, dropping its appeal (for good reason). A federal jury had handed down a historic ruling in favor of academic freedom, among the first of its kind,
where a conservative professor has shown the will to resist the university establishment in protracted free-speech litigation, ultimately taking the question to a jury, and prevailing. [The] verdict was critical, sending a message to universities that they can and will be held accountable for protecting the First Amendment and a true “marketplace of ideas” in higher education – even when conservatives speak.
It’s a case that will help embattled professors of all ideological persuasions, which is why Adams is a leading figure in the fight for free speech and academic freedom.
WWAY describes the details of the settlement:
After the case went through federal mediation, UNCW and Adams reached the following settlement terms:
1) Payment by UNCW of attorney’s fees and costs of $615k without interest;
2) Payment by UNCW of back pay to Dr. Adams in the amount of $50k without interest;
3) Annual salary for Adams of approximately $75,000 per year;
4) Annual evaluations for Dr. Adams will include reviewers outside of his academic department.
5) Withdrawal of the university’s appeal;
6) Full resolution of any and all claims that were brought by Adams or could have been brought by Adams against UNCW, the University, and any University employee or official.UNCW’s Governance Committee approved the terms in closed session.
Congratulations, Mike!