Seems the troublemakers as Deadspin got as big a chuckle out of Rick Bonnell’s breathless accountThey picked the wrong guy to victimize — of the break-in at Stephen Jackson’s joint as I — and anyone with a lick of sense — did.

Bonnell suggested there’d be hell to pay for the robbers because Jackson is Jackson — or something. As if the perps did not know exactly who they were dealing with and did not care. Because they robbed the place at gunpoint!

Or as Deadspin puts it:

He is “the last person you’d want holding a grudge, after you held his family at gunpoint,” Bonnell writes. Stephen Jackson is Charles Bronson in Death Wish III!… All due respect to Rick Bonnell, but when your column could plausibly serve as the voice-over for a Dolph Lundgren direct-to-DVD movie, it’s time to start over. Stephen Jackson is not Dolph Lundgren. He’s a very wealthy professional athlete who cannot afford to get caught up in the revenge game.
