You may recall the good ole days when your email box was full of requests from Organizing for America to share your anecdotes about why America’s healthcare system was so screwed up. Frankly, I still believe the United States has the best healthcare system in the world, in terms of inclusivity across income levels, technology, outcomes, and R&D. But I had an anecdote this morning.
Blame me for overutilization. I did not sign up for Obamacare. I’m not afraid of death, but in opting out, I failed to take into consideration something I’d never felt before: Pain. It was so bad, I couldn’t keep a straight face. I couldn’t clutch my car. I fought it for about six hours before deciding to take myself to the hospital, driving like a twelve-year-old. So, I got there and explained my problem, then proceeded to pass out. That meant I had to have all kinds of vital signs and cardiac tests. Shortly thereafter, the doctor said my x-rays were fine, and they began discharging me. I mentioned I must have blacked out for the x-ray, and then the nurse said she could find no evidence of it, either. As it turned out, the prognosis was for the guy next-door. To make a long story short, nothing was wrong with the foot. What I really need is a shrink to help me understand why I wasted all that money.