When jobs are scarce, those on the margins are pushed over the edge, and that is tragic and immoral.

State Sen. Bob Rucho has it exactly right, as he discussed Tuesday at the Senate news conference introducing tax reform. This state desperately needs an environment that is friendly to job creation, for that is the best solution to lifting people out of poverty.

If we intend to create private sector jobs, we must jettison the failed policies of previous legislatures. One component of putting the state back on the path to prosperity is reforming the tax code.  On Tuesday, the Senate has introduced its plan. Now the debate begins. If you like the Senate plan, tell your state legislators. If you don’t it, tell your state legislators.

But get informed. Every North Carolinian will be impacted by tax reform. You’ll find more about the Senate plan here, and you’ll find Tuesday’s news conference here. 

The John Locke Foundation has proposed tax policy reform as well, and you’ll find the details here