The N&R editorializes on Greensboro City Council member Mike Barber’s view that closing the White Street landfill is the “is the worst economic decision we’ve made in 200 years of history.” City Manager Mitchell Johnson estimates the cost to transfer Greensboro’s garbage a t $3 million, while the Rhino’s John Hammer says (still unposted) says it’s closer to $13 million.

The N&R editorialists pretty much dismiss the notion that the White Street landfill is a classic case of environmental racism, then conclude city leaders “should study the numbers, weigh their options and make a call, based not simply on the financial bottom line but on what’s right and fair and honest.” Somehow I think the N&R believes the “right, fair and honest call” would be to keep transferring the garbage.

For what it’s worth, Guarino says if life is tough living close to White Street, try living close to Fresh Kills.