The Independent Tribune of Concord & Kannapolis has an article today about some unusual economic development ideas coming out of the county.

First of all, the Cabarrus Economic Development Corporation has agreed this week to not give business incentives to retailers.

“A retail operation, if it’s based on a sound business plan, is usually based on rooftops,” said Concord City Manager Brian Hiatt.

Wow! If only other localities, the state and the General Assembly would share this sentiment about ALL kinds of companies when it comes to corporate welfare, we may actually be on our way to a more sound and prosperous economy.

Second, the CEDC is considering a Foreign Trade Zone for the county. This zone allows certain goods to bypass immediate customs entry procedures, duties, and taxes.

Again, WOW! If only other local governments, the state, the legislature and the feds would share this sentiment, oh, what a wonderful free market this would be.