The N&R’s Jeri Rowe follows up his column on Daryl Hunt’s reaction to “The Trials of Daryl Hunt” with an essay in Go Triad! on how “Trials” and the Klan-Nazi documentary “Greensboro: Closer to the Truth”

dig deep into the ugly part of the South and investigate what has nagged the Triad’s two largest cities for more than two decades.

In support of the view that Greensboro is backwards on the subject of race, Rowe pulls a quote in “Greensboro” from city council member Florence “the extra $548,000 is the point for me” Gatten, who says what she really thinks about our city:

“Greensboro is like a 1950s town in a Ziploc bag with the Ziploc closed.”

Some believe that Gatten will make a run for mayor later this year. Personally, I can’t vote for someone who feels this way about Greensboro, especially when it’s simply not true. When given the choice, I’ll take Keith Holliday’s rosy optimism any day. But we won’t have that choice this November.