Everyone’s in a tizzy over Duke’s proposal to help the city fund its performing arts center in exchange for favorable action on its plans for Anderson Street and Central Campus. This is akin to a bribe, some say. City Attorney Henry Blinder said the city could take the money as long as it’s clear it won’t affect their vote on Central Campus. Riiiight.
I don’t know why everyone’s upset about this instance of a quid pro quo. Where was all the outrage some years ago when the city performed a shakedown of the New Hope Commons developers, demanding quotas for black employees and contractors in exchange for approved zoning? I don’t recall any angst-ridden comments from council members about whether the quotas would “affect” their vote. That was the point!
This kind of thing happens all the time. When the governing body does the shakedown it’s called planning and zoning. If Duke does it, it’s called a bribe.