Either a lot of Secretaries of State are in the tank with the media, or they’re just rank incompetents. We have Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner whining to the U.S. Supreme Court not to uphold a decision that demands that she, well, DO HER JOB. She would rather let 200,000 illegal ballots be cast than have to trouble herself with checking them, which, as I said before, IS HER JOB.
Now we have the Secretary of State in the state of Washington who is going to allow 24,000 felons to vote illegally because the Secretary of State’s office intentionally set up a computer to ignore the 24,000 felons. Folks, this does not sound like an accident.
It isn’t:
In 2004 there were more votes counted in Washington State’s King County than voters who live there.
Three ACORN workers were found guilty of voter registration fraud last October in Washington.
It looks like not much has changed.