The News & Observer’s Rob Christensen reviews a new book by proud liberal James Leutze, who is unhappy by actions taken by North Carolina reformers. I suspect he’s also befuddled with voters who just days ago returned many of the reformers to the General Assembly. Let me take this opportunity to explain why I, unlike Leutze, am quite pleased with the course our state has taken since 2011.
The reform agenda has led to a historic transformation of our state, reversing decades of ill-conceived progressive policies. Government programs are being evaluated, spending and borrowing are being reined in, and taxpayers are being shown more respect. No longer is government growth accepted as natural and unavoidable. This change of course has ushered in an era of economic growth highlighted by job creation, lower unemployment, and expanding opportunity.
Rest assured, as the new year approaches, the John Locke Foundation is preparing to build on this hard-earned progress. We will seize the momentum in favor of policies that enhance freedom, embrace fiscal responsibility, and support limiting government to core services. Our education efforts will ensure that state legislators and the governor don’t given in to pressure from liberals to roll back reforms, and that they allow the state’s historic tax reform ample time to reset the flow and timing of revenues to the treasury.
You can expect to hear more from JLF in the coming weeks on fiscal reform, regulatory reform, energy reform, education reform, and health care reform.