Has he confused it with Republicans?

Clodfelter is a prime mover behind the spectactularly wrong-headed move to get North Carolina to ditch the Electoral College and throw in with the direct-democracy mob.


Hates Republic?

The Democratic state senator from Mecklenburg is pitching the change as way to give North Carolina a bigger voice in picking the President. Funny, I don’t recall the state’s Electoral Votes going uncounted the past couple elections. What does Clodfelter mean?

Nor is it clear why Clodfelter thinks North Carolina’s votes for president should be tied to the way concentrations of voters in other states cast their ballots. Yet that is exactly what the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact does — pledge all member states to cast Electoral Votes on the basis of the national popular vote.

Thus, every single voter in North Carolina could support Yankee Doodle for president, but if more voters nationwide supported Pol Pot — all 15 of the state’s Electoral Votes would go to Pol Pot.

I knew out county delegation was out of touch with how folks feel back home. But had no idea they were positively unhinged.

If you want to ditch the Electoral College, go ahead and amend the Constitution. Don’t do it via some ill-conceived, backdoor route that will thwart the will of the people.

Bonus Observation: Don’t expect to hear much in the way of media outrage on this nutty idea — big media across the state probably thinks the change would ramp up presidential campaign advertising in North Carolina.