In its never-ending quest to repeal the laws of economics, the radical left has discovered a new “right.” The Nation is pushing “food democracy.”  Never heard of this right? Can’t find it in the Constitution? Well, here it is straight from the radical left.

As the Small Planet Institute defines
it, “Food democracy means the right of all to an essential of
life–safe, nutritious food. It also suggests fair access to land to
grow food and a fair return for those who labor to produce it. Food
democracy concerns itself with the future as well: It implies economic
rules that encourage communities to safeguard the soil, water, and
wildlife on which all our lives and futures depend.” The vision is
compelling, but how can it be made concrete? What are the obstacles to
democratizing the food system, and how can they be overcome? 

Translation:  “Democratizing the food system” means using governmental power to take land from current farmers who are poisoning us
and the land and giving it to real farmers who will grow food locally using organic methods.

Please don’t bother The Nation crowd with the fact that this will increase the price of food harming the poor. They are too busy hosting $200 per head cocktail parties in NYC featuring Dan Rather talking about “What Will Become of the News?”