JLF’s Katherine Restrepo breaks down the latest numbers on ObamaCare enrollees in North Carolina. Problem is, the federal government refuses to reveal the health status of the enrollees. As we know, the ObamaCare house of cards requires millions of healthy, younger people — those who aren’t likely to access many health care services — to subsidize sicker, older people. As Katherine points out:
Although enrollments were broken down by age, HHS did NOT reveal the health status of these age groups. This vital piece of information needs to be disclosed at some point in the near future. For the exchanges to remain financially afloat, a balanced risk-pool is a must. If not, serious taxpayer bailouts loom on the horizon. Furthermore, while North Carolina ranks 5th highest in the nation regarding enrollment, the more important question is: How many premiums have actually been paid?
Ah yes, details, details.
Get up to date on Katherine’s analysis of ObamaCare here.