
No doubt Henry ‘King Zoning Stud’ Isaacson will appeal the Greensboro Zoning Commission’s 7-1 vote turning down his client’s plan for office space on the corner of Friendly Avenue and Holden Road.

Opposition is strong, although my buddy in Hamilton Lakes says he doesn’t give a damn. All I know is aforementioned house on the corner that would be razed once hosted a party for Yippie guru Abbie Hoffman after a speech up at Guilford College. It was not long before Hoffman would commit suicide, so it wasn’t a real rager. Still, it was fun for a young college liberal to be in the presence of a counter-culture hero. What can I say, it was a long time ago.

Perhaps residents of Hamilton Lakes and Starmount should evoke the house’s particular historical significance when they make their case before the City Council.