*The Winston-Salem Journal weighs in on the Keith Antoine Carter murder trial, saying they “believe the verdict of guilty of second-degree murder was just, but the sentence — 16 to 20 years — too light…..”

*The Rhino keeps playing up the Joe ‘Wilbur’ Killian ‘story,’ but puts its money where its mouth is as Scott Yost beats Killian on furloughs in the Guilford County Register of Deeds;

*The City of High Point asks Guilford County to pony up for the International Home Furnishings Market —- again;

*Winston-Salem’s taxpayer-funded downtown stadium is almost done;

*Looked like there were quite a few empty seats at the ACC Tournament; Lenox Rawlings ponders the conference’s decline;

*The N&O covers the Triangle’s ‘preening’ for Google;

*The Biz Journal reports a GDOT study saying Greensboro needs two new downtown parking decks, at a cost of $6-$10 million each. Meanwhile, there still seems to be confusion over which body will vet the financing for the proposed downtown luxury hotel.